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Recent content by SyncFalcon

  1. SyncFalcon

    Update Factions Immortal - We Need Your Help! | August The 8th 2022

    turn off dynamic fov in optifine if ur struggling that bad or use lunar's dynamic fov mod
  2. SyncFalcon

    Update Factions Immortal - We Need Your Help! | August The 8th 2022

    If there was an unbiased senior mod who could actually play factions and didnt take 3 days to respond; i wouldn't mind.
  3. SyncFalcon

    Update Factions Immortal - We Need Your Help! | August The 8th 2022

    no1 wants to spend 20 minutes swimming up a base's walls only to get knocked off. would make raiding take more time only
  4. SyncFalcon

    Update Factions Immortal - We Need Your Help! | August The 8th 2022

    roman wont be back next season, will be a new special crate set. hopefully not as op as roman. dont remove gears 3, just make it so that all kits including crate kits come with gears 3. purge needs a rework i agree
  5. SyncFalcon

    Update Factions Immortal - We Need Your Help! | August The 8th 2022

    Nerf starvation enchant or at least make it so that it doesn't affect you when you have the Santa set on. Right now it takes away your hunger even if you have a Santa set on. Also rework or at least fix the iron golem pet (doesn't even work) and nerf the wizard pet (impossible to die with...
  6. SyncFalcon


  7. SyncFalcon

    Regarding Jartex Factions (important)

    This was very important and after reading this I shed 2 tears because of how beautiful and realistic this was. Thank you.
  8. SyncFalcon


  9. SyncFalcon

    Gimmi Ur Opinion ( And Giveaway

    I dont really like the whole gap thing in pvp but i wouldnt want it to be removed, just make it super rare and keep the cooldown on it the same. Lots of solo players who get ganked alot need gaps to stand a chance.
  10. SyncFalcon

    Epic & Funny Moments In Jartex (8 hours of editing !!!!)

    hacks, no one can make a video this perfect
  11. SyncFalcon

    Getting split

    Getting split