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  1. alvnwtf

    Are you playing jartex more or less

    This is new, someone having higher activity on the forums that in-game activity decreases. Maybe you don't really have time to play Minecraft but still wanna communicate and hang out in the community. Just guessing...
  2. alvnwtf

    Anime (Let's talk about it)

    Isshiki, And yea he's an otsutsuki clan member and a high-ranking one at that.
  3. alvnwtf

    Shop Keeper skin

    I can't lie, I don't know. Stock shop keeper skin for the win
  4. alvnwtf

    Anime (Let's talk about it)

    Yeah, they got nerfed after fighting the most powerful villain in naruto history. Took sacrifices to bring him down
  5. alvnwtf

    Is this a mute reason?

    It isn't a punishable offense, although if you are told this it's best to just move on and continue playing. Don't let it bother you too much but I do get what you mean
  6. alvnwtf

    Shop Keeper skin

    I highly agree, I don't see ghost often enough
  7. alvnwtf

    Anime (Let's talk about it)

    I was a heavy anime fan in 2020, watching and finishing like 3 animes per day. I've recently calmed down on the amount of anime I watch as I have more going for me outside of it now, but I'm still an avid watcher and enjoy watching it in my free time. Watch boruto trust.
  8. alvnwtf

    Best event of all time

    Would've been quite the interesting experience I can't lie.
  9. alvnwtf

    Just destroyed @kaivalya In game and this is how he/she reacted:

    Pretty common reacting here on this server, I wouldn't bother too much about it. Saying less speaks volumes
  10. alvnwtf

    What is the best year of all time

    2022 personally, the year I've had the most growth as well as progress in life
  11. alvnwtf


  12. alvnwtf

    Are you playing jartex more or less

    I would say my consistency on the server has varied over the years, But I've recently been playing it more often and been enjoying it again.
  13. alvnwtf

    What are you thoughts about toxic people/bow spammers?

    Its a part of the game, Its annoying to try and deal with but we just have to adapt
  14. alvnwtf

    Do you think people with ranks get targeted and why

    Yes, simply cause of the in-game benefits that have a rank gives you
  15. alvnwtf

    Is skyways a p2w to donors?

    Damn, Usually when my ping is unstable I just stop playing temporarily until it goes down. Cause in most cases it just ruins the motivation to play.
  16. alvnwtf

    Is skyways a p2w to donors?

    I agree Bedwars requires far more game knowledge and map sense compared to Skywars.
  17. alvnwtf

    Hotbar Manager

    Not such a bad idea needs a more in-depth explanation and reasoning on how it will increase the experience for the players who care about the hotbar management
  18. alvnwtf

    What is your most heart-stopping moment in bedwars?

    Yea, Playing the drawn-out game works as well makes the hacker impatient to kill you making them more prone to mistakes
  19. alvnwtf

    Bedwars Skyline map is OP

    We can only hope they become enlightened.
  20. alvnwtf

    Share your professional tactics to play bedwars

    I can easily fix this by spamming them in an enclosed area even with potions he's gonna take damage.