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Global making the anti cheat better and robust


August 28, 2023
Minecraft Username:

What is your suggestion's title?
better Report system​

Suggestion Details:
cheating is a major issue in video games , it is so common that nowadays you will come across them often , they can ruin your game making it a frustrating time to play , we don't want that to happen , we do not want players to feel disengaged and frustrated in games do we? , so i propose to you an robust and a better report system to jartex​
so this is the report system that i have made​
/report < suspected cheater > Hacks:​
for example: i have came across an player by the name of John who is using kill aura and reach hacks so here's how it is done​
/report John Hacks: kill aura , reach (if the player is using more hacks you can put the hacks he was using)​
if 3 reports are filed against the player an admin will be issued to look at the suspected hacker , in this example John​
if the suspected cheater is found not using any hacks the messages will be sent to the players who reported him saying ''Hello! , we have taken a look at this < suspected cheater> and we found that he/she is not using any hacks , Please make sure to carefully observe players who are hacking and then report them,Thank you for reading this!."​
if the suspected cheater is found using hacks , he/she will be banned swiftly and this messages will be sent to the the players who have reported him ''Hello , we have taken a look at <cheater> and we have found that he was indeed using hacks! , If anymore players are using hacks please report it along with what cheats he/she has used,Thank you for the report and thanks for reading this!'', note you can also report players for bug abusing or abusing of somesort​

How could this idea help improve JartexNetwork?
This can greatly reduce cheaters in game , making it a less frustrating time for the players ,this was inspired by the reporting system of Valorant(i do not play this game but it's anti cheat is good)​

Extra Information:
Jartex needs a better report system​
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