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JartexNetwork... How did I get Here?


January 18, 2023
The Start of what would be countless hours of grinding, laughing, raging, and every other feeling a true gamer gets when playing on a Minecraft server...

Hello Jartexians, Staff, members of the community and to whom else it may concern, let me introduce myself first; I am Shadel / Shxdel, a long-time still active Bedwars main player and I have now reached my ultimate personal goal on the server: To reach the level 100. I´ve come a long way to get to where I am on this server and throughout my journey I have met tons of other gamers like, or unlike me. Anyways, not to bore any enthusiastic reader actually reading this thread, but let me tell you how I first got here...

Around 4 years ago, during the harshest times for humanity (Covid-19) I was so bored out of my mind that I decided to play Minecraft (again, given that It was one of my favorite childhood games), problem was that I had lost data to my premium acc. so I figured out ways that any bored child would come up with in order to have some fun during the lockdown. Thats when I found out about Tlauncher and the existence of cracked servers, and to my surprise I had actually a good gameplay connection with the top cracked servers of the game, jartex and pika. I immediately tried out for the first time this server on a cracked account; Shadel and got to know the great minigame of Bedwars, I remember raging every once in a while when I faced decent players while I was still a noob, I used to think that if they beat me they were definitely cheating, or reaching because the competence was actually insane, then of course there were the so called "fly hackers, bhoppers, kill aura" users that were absolutely dominating the Bedwars and Skywars servers in 2020 - 2021; I guess they all had a better gaming chair huh, anyways, to wrap things up and not bore you to death, you kind person who actually made this far reading, essentially my first thoughts on the server were; " Wow this server looks promising... Oh theres actually decent people here ... Oh wait that guy´s flying ... HUH? WHERE DID MY BLOCK GO? ... alright, maybe I just need some pvp tutorials...

Nevertheless, I recovered my original Premium account and started grinding on this server and met amazing people and got fond to this little minecraft community that helps me whenever I´m stressed, or had a long day at school / work, and the rest is history... cliché but idc.


Shxdel :jartex:

