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[Jihad Autoselling Bot] Read if you care about this server.

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February 26, 2019
So I’m going to start out this post saying I have already reported them. It got accepted and then no punishments were made. So I want to share this with the community so they understand what’s taking place with this issue.

This started with me flying in the end looking for bases. I see a Jihad claim fly towards it and find a base. Some unloaded chunks weren’t there and I could see jihad alts 100, 101 standing in a void. They weren’t doing anything so I assumed it was just normal cactus farm and they were afking the crop hoppers.

I schematica save the area below me to view it in single player. To my suprise it wasn’t a normal chest collection area but instead hoppers and dispensers stacked on top of each other with red stone firing cactus out onto the alts. With a red stone contraption they had the dispensers constantly firing cactus at the alts.

With this I turned replay mod on and recorded what they were doing for about 18 minutes. I got off the server to check out what had happened and to my surprise the alts were auto selling cactus. You must all be aware if you’ve sold anything in the /shop but if you aren’t if you sell things more then 8 times in the shop it brings up a GUI menu that says Anti Grinding at the top. It makes you choose a random item and you can continue selling kinda like a captcha for voting.

So somehow jihad figured out a way to bypass this anti auto sell feature. Mind you they have had these bots since the beginning of the map auto selling cactus so everyday they gain more and more money. If you want an idea of how much they are gaining it’s somewhere between 40-60mill per day with ONLY these 4 alts. While everyone else has been buying sell wands and selling manually by hand. I know this might upset some of the actual legitimate players who have been actually playing normally but I have more to tell you.

I myself was upset I spent money on sell wands and these guys were using a bot to get more money faster then me without spending anything. So I immediately went to report them and that was 3 days ago (be it that I’ve known about this for longer but I finally decided enough was enough and downloaded bandicam). I supplied 7 videos and countless screenshots of proof on the jihadalts one of the videos even shows babbyXD getting talked to about the autoselling alts in chat. Then he teleports there looks around calls me an xrayer (because I’m on top of his cactus farm at the time) then breaks red stone and then teleports away. Showing that hes known all about this incident of autoselling alts.

The report went unanswered for about 18 hours then was Accepted. I was happy the faction abusing and gaining 2 billion in two weeks was going to get their just deserts. I logged on to find out nothing had changed. The owner made it legal! Auto-selling alts which were botting to sell cactus and gain money 24/7. The staff who told me this was Raiding101 he is in Jihad so I thought it was bias.

He mentioned how mex said it was legal and I was naturally pissed. I mean who wouldn’t be when you’ve been putting so much effort in to find someone gained 50x what you’ve got but using means no one else can AND it’s Allowed? so I reached out to other staff. The answers weren’t much better. Most didn’t know anything about it, some said they thought it shouldn’t be allowed. The staff who did accept my report apparently accepted it without knowing it was “Legal”.

That staff is Rahnbow he even told me how he didn’t think it was right but he couldn’t do anything about it. He a lower staff he can’t do anything about it was his answer. After more conversation I convinced him to talk to wraith but I still haven’t gotten an answer back about it. But he’s just a Jr.MOD he can’t go against a mod or even the Owner. So where can I turn to try to fix the corruption that’s allowing a single faction to use bots, auto clickers, scripts or whatever exploits around the antisell that the rest of us don’t have the ability to do.

I feel that the only people I can turn to is the community. Maybe you won’t care, maybe some of you will be fine with jihad Botting their way to the top but I’m sure you aren’t all fine with it. Those people who genuinely care about the rules and about playing legitimately are the ones I’m talking to. If you think this is abuse of the shop system and botting is unjust then talk to the staff. Convey your feelings and thoughts about the issue. We can’t just let this abuse and exploitation of a system that allows people to create scripts/bots and let them easily win f top without doing anything. I have evidence besides what I had in the report more then you could imagine. If you want to see it then DM me because I’m not sure if I’m allowed to post it here.

This post isn’t meant to create “drama” it’s meant to inform people that this has happened and to get opinions and thoughts on the matter. If you agree that botting is fine then don’t argue with the people who don’t agree. I just want honest answers and facts. Why should this be legal and why shouldn’t it. Why should jihad be punished and why shouldn’t they.

Hacks - a software or cheat that gives a player a unnatural advantage.

Sounds like this situation kinda doesn’t it?

Anyway here’s the end of the post I hope I get some real replies and not just Jihad members ranting about how Mex said it was allowed.


Addicted Member
April 28, 2018
Thread locked due to it starting drama.
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