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Lifesteal Guide - Winter 2023/2024


November 17, 2022
π•ƒπ•šπ•—π•–π•€π•₯𝕖𝕒𝕝 π”Ύπ•¦π•šπ••π•–

Hello all,
Please allow me to introduce myself; my IGN is Scuffleshadow, and I'm an active and OG lifesteal player.
With a growing interest in the server from the wider Jartex community, and lots of new players joining, I thought it would be helpful to provide a guide on the best ways to get started, as well as some advanced tips for long term play players.
Happy PvPing,
Lifesteal is a NO CLAIMS gamemode. Anything you build can be destroyed by anyone.
The main aim of the gamemode is to obtain hearts, which you can do by killing another player. 1 Kill = 1 Heart. 1 Death = -1 Heart.
As a result, players will frequently ask to teleport to you, (you can view the commands at the bottom of this page). DO NOT ACCEPT UNLESS YOU FULLY TRUST THEM. They will be trying to kill you for your hearts.
You can only get x3 Hearts from each player every 24 hours.
You cannot withdraw hearts as an item.
Using alt accounts to gain hearts is a bannable offence, and is considered "stats-boosting".
Make sure you are actively checking /level, to be seeing what you can do next to get some sweet rewards.
This is also a regular survival gamemode, so all vanilla farms and methods are still possible. This guide simply covers what is different from normal Minecraft.

How to get started?

1) Vote
The first thing you want to do once joining lifesteal is to vote. Voting allows you to get free crate keys, which can give you really good early game boosts, as well as vouchers that are worth quite a lot. You can learn about voting here, and can do it every day. Voting also lets you get in-game currency to spend on ranks, crate keys and more!

2) Wild
Next, you want type /wild in chat. This command teleports you to a random location within 4000 blocks from spawn. It is an instant command, meaning you can use it to get out of a pinch. After arriving in /wild for the first time, you want to type /level, and follow along the level requirements as you gather basic resources like iron tools and armor (these will be discarded later). Avoid building a base anywhere in the /wild region, or within 10000 (ten-thousand) blocks of spawn, as being in this are makes it exponentially easier to find. After obtaining basic tools, look for a spot to temporarily begin farming. Create a regular Minecraft crop farm, with tiled dirt and water sources around. Ensure sufficient lighting otherwise crops cannot be planted (a common FAQ). Collect some seeds from the surrounding terrain, and farm wheat. Once you have about a stack, type /shop in the chat, and select the crops option. Here you can sell your wheat for money. With this money, purchase some custom crop seeds, and farm those instead. They have a much higher rate of return.

3) Moving Out
Once you have about $60k (60 Thousand Dollars), purchase an elytra, a few stacks of rockets and obsidian from /shop, in the equipment section. Build yourself a nether portal, and enter the nether. Using your elytra and rockets to fly approximately 1.5k (1 Thousand - 5 Hundred) blocks in the nether (because 1 block in the nether its 8 blocks in the overworld) in any direction away from spawn. Once you are a fair enough distance away, set down and create a new nether portal. Go through the portal, and run the command /sethome. After, travel back through the nether portal, and break the portal on the nether side, making sure to fix any modifications to the terrain you made. Once the nether is returned to its natural state, type /home in chat, and stand still for the 10 second cooldown. Once back in the overworld, break the nether portal that was created, making sure to cover up any indentation with natural blocks. You have now succesfully found the "safe lands" (minimal chance of your base being found). Note: If you are a ranked user, or have more than one /sethome due to redeeming vouchers, use the commands "/sethome <name_of_home>" and "/home <name_of_home>" respectively.

4) Permanent Base
Fly around for a bit, until you find a spot of land that you think looks inconspicuous (people are unlikely to search here). Good spaces include oceans, and Dark Oak forests. Try to avoid mountainous terrain, as these areas attract high traffic, due to players looking for ancient cities. Dig down to 5 blocks above bedrock, making sure to cover up the hole behind you with natural blocks. Once bellow, hollow out an area, and use the /sethome command to be able to come back here. Create a simple storage system, but instead of using chests, use barrels. This is because chests can be detected using the f3 debug menu, and barrels cannot. Other blocks to avoid placing in your base for prolonged periods of time are: Shulkers, Enchantment Tables ( there are free to use ones at spawn) Enderchests, and Player Heads. There is no best "base design", it's totally up to you to decorate and organise it as you wish. Common things to include are: Brewing rooms, basic workstations - (Anvils, Crafting Table, Furnaces etc), and of course an underground custom crop farm. However, there are some things to avoid putting in this base. Avoid: Villagers, Breedable mob farms, and pets such as Dogs and Parrots. (These can all be found with the f3 debug menu. If you wish to create a cow or sheep enclosure, or invest in a villager trading hall, I would suggest creating this with the same method as this Permanent Base, but in other locations.

5) Gearing Up
Once you have a sustainable source of income from crops, reach out and trade with other players, purchase items from /ah* and go mining. Every hour or so, there are "Regular Drop Events", where 30 chests are scattered around the pvp area just outside /spawn. These chest are filled with enchanted diamond gear and weapons, so can be a great way to get ready for PvP quickly. Alternatively, you can use a grindstone to remove the enchantments, purchase experience bottles from /shop and head to the enchanting station at /spawn, where you can quickly use some powerful level 30 enchantments. I would also recommend the purchasing of PVP essentials like Totems of Undying, Golden Apples and Ender Pearls. */ah is a player run market place, where you and other players can sell items you find or create to each other. Simply type /ah to browse, or to sell an item you are holding type /ah sell <price>.

6) PvP
PvP is the main purpose of the lifesteal gamemode, and is played according to the 1.9 PvP update. Once you are sufficently geared, head to the PvP areas around spawn and try and takedown other players for their hearts. Every few hours, there is a /koth event, (King-Of-The-Hill) where whichever player can stay on the "hill" for longest wins some loot. Don't be afraid to back down from fights you can't take, but always make sure to report rulebreakers or glitch abusers who are ruining the PvP experience for others. If you kill a player, there is a chance for their head to drop as an item you can pick up. While holding in your hand, and within an hour of obtaining it, you can type /sellhead to recieve 10% of there balance. Note: Upon hitting another player, or being hit by another player, you cannot run most commands, nor enter spawn for the next 25 seconds. If you log out during this time, it is considered a death.

7) Creating or Joining a Team
If you find a group of players you enjoy playing with, and you want to be able to fight together in PvP, co-op in certain events, or have a cool chat prefix together: /team is for you! You can type /team create <team-name> to create a team, and /team invite <user> to invite your friends. Players can join a team with the command /team join <team-name>, provided they were invited. You can view the full list of team commands here.

8) General Tips
This is mainly a resource to provide you with some stepping stone to start exploring for yourself. Type /zookeeper on Fridays, to obtain some cool handheld "Pets" which provide buffs. You can view all the available Pets with /pets.

Check out /skill. The alchemy skill unlocked at alchemy level "1" is particually important. It makes all potions that you apply redstone to, for an extended effect duration, also have their amplifier (potion level or effectiveness) increased. This way you can get 8 minute long level 2 potions. Note: When brewed into lingering potions and then turned into arrows, the effects applied when the arrow hits its mark are the same duration as the original potion. So this is a great way to get more uses out of a single potion (turned lingering).

The server also has a custom pot plugin, which you can view the crafting recipies for at /pots. Some of these are very overpowered.

Helpful Commands
/pay <user> <amount> | Transfers the designated amount of your money to another player.
/gift <user> | Allows you to instantly send items to another player.
/gift | Allows you to instally recive items from another player.
/tpa <user> | Sends a request to another player, asking to teleport to THEM.
/tpahere <user> | Sends a request to another player, asking them to teleport to YOU.
/tpaccept <user> | Accepts the tp request sent by another player; either them coming to you or vice versa. Note: If YOU are teleporting, you must keep still for the entire countdown, otherwise it will cancel.
/msg <user> <message> | Sends a private message to another player.
/r <message> | Sends a message to the last player whom you messaged.
/pv | Access your personal vault (enderchest).
/chatgames | Views upcoming chat games, and allows you to purchase item you with the points you get from winning them.
/koth | Displays the timings of the koth events, as well as allowing you to teleport directly to them.
/ah | Views the auction house.
/ah <sell> | Places the item you are holding onto the auction house for the specified price.
/level | View your current level progress, and claim rewards.
/sellhead | Sells the currently held player head, for 10% of that player's balance.
/playtimereward | Allows you to claim rewards based on how long you have been playing on the server. Afk time is counted towards this.
/warp afk | Sends you to a water pool at /spawn, where as long as you are in, you wont be kicked for inactivity and will recive a cheap lootbox every half hour.

Remember, all normal Jartex Network rules apply. This is also a regular survival gamemode, so all vanilla farms and methods are still possible. This guide simply covers what is different from normal Minecraft.

If you ever need any help or advice on Lifesteal, or just want to chat and I'm online in-game, feel free to send me a message with /msg Scuffleshadow, or post a reply to this post.

Best of luck,
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July 26, 2023
π•ƒπ•šπ•—π•–π•€π•₯𝕖𝕒𝕝 π”Ύπ•¦π•šπ••π•–

Hello all,
Please allow me to introduce myself; my IGN is Scuffleshadow, and I'm an active and OG lifesteal player.
With a growing interest in the server from the wider Jartex community, and lots of new players joining, I thought it would be helpful to provide a guide on the best ways to get started, as well as some advanced tips for long term play players.
Happy PvPing,
Lifesteal is a NO CLAIMS gamemode. Anything you build can be destroyed by anyone.
The main aim of the gamemode is to obtain hearts, which you can do by killing another player. 1 Kill = 1 Heart. 1 Death = -1 Heart.
As a result, players will frequently ask to teleport to you, (you can view the commands at the bottom of this page). DO NOT ACCEPT UNLESS YOU FULLY TRUST THEM. They will be trying to kill you for your hearts.
You can only get x3 Hearts from each player every 24 hours.
You cannot withdraw hearts as an item.
Using alt accounts to gain hearts is a bannable offence, and is considered "stats-boosting".
Make sure you are actively checking /level, to be seeing what you can do next to get some sweet rewards.
This is also a regular survival gamemode, so all vanilla farms and methods are still possible. This guide simply covers what is different from normal Minecraft.

How to get started?

1) Vote
The first thing you want to do once joining lifesteal is to vote. Voting allows you to get free crate keys, which can give you really good early game boosts, as well as vouchers that are worth quite a lot. You can learn about voting here, and can do it every day. Voting also lets you get in-game currency to spend on ranks, crate keys and more!

2) Wild
Next, you want type /wild in chat. This command teleports you to a random location within 4000 blocks from spawn. It is an instant command, meaning you can use it to get out of a pinch. After arriving in /wild for the first time, you want to type /level, and follow along the level requirements as you gather basic resources like iron tools and armor (these will be discarded later). Avoid building a base anywhere in the /wild region, or within 10000 (ten-thousand) blocks of spawn, as being in this are makes it exponentially easier to find. After obtaining basic tools, look for a spot to temporarily begin farming. Create a regular Minecraft crop farm, with tiled dirt and water sources around. Ensure sufficient lighting otherwise crops cannot be planted (a common FAQ). Collect some seeds from the surrounding terrain, and farm wheat. Once you have about a stack, type /shop in the chat, and select the crops option. Here you can sell your wheat for money. With this money, purchase some custom crop seeds, and farm those instead. They have a much higher rate of return.

3) Moving Out
Once you have about $60k (60 Thousand Dollars), purchase an elytra, a few stacks of rockets and obsidian from /shop, in the equipment section. Build yourself a nether portal, and enter the nether. Using your elytra and rockets to fly approximately 1.5k (1 Thousand - 5 Hundred) blocks in the nether (because 1 block in the nether its 8 blocks in the overworld) in any direction away from spawn. Once you are a fair enough distance away, set down and create a new nether portal. Go through the portal, and run the command /sethome. After, travel back through the nether portal, and break the portal on the nether side, making sure to fix any modifications to the terrain you made. Once the nether is returned to its natural state, type /home in chat, and stand still for the 10 second cooldown. Once back in the overworld, break the nether portal that was created, making sure to cover up any indentation with natural blocks. You have now succesfully found the "safe lands" (minimal chance of your base being found). Note: If you are a ranked user, or have more than one /sethome due to redeeming vouchers, use the commands "/sethome <name_of_home>" and "/home <name_of_home>" respectively.

4) Permanent Base
Fly around for a bit, until you find a spot of land that you think looks inconspicuous (people are unlikely to search here). Good spaces include oceans, and Dark Oak forests. Try to avoid mountainous terrain, as these areas attract high traffic, due to players looking for ancient cities. Dig down to 5 blocks above bedrock, making sure to cover up the hole behind you with natural blocks. Once bellow, hollow out an area, and use the /sethome command to be able to come back here. Create a simple storage system, but instead of using chests, use barrels. This is because chests can be detected using the f3 debug menu, and barrels cannot. Other blocks to avoid placing in your base for prolonged periods of time are: Shulkers, Enchantment Tables ( there are free to use ones at spawn) Enderchests, and Player Heads. There is no best "base design", it's totally up to you to decorate and organise it as you wish. Common things to include are: Brewing rooms, basic workstations - (Anvils, Crafting Table, Furnaces etc), and of course an underground custom crop farm. However, there are some things to avoid putting in this base. Avoid: Villagers, Breedable mob farms, and pets such as Dogs and Parrots. (These can all be found with the f3 debug menu. If you wish to create a cow or sheep enclosure, or invest in a villager trading hall, I would suggest creating this with the same method as this Permanent Base, but in other locations.

5) Gearing Up
Once you have a sustainable source of income from crops, reach out and trade with other players, purchase items from /ah* and go mining. Every hour or so, there are "Regular Drop Events", where 30 chests are scattered around the pvp area just outside /spawn. These chest are filled with enchanted diamond gear and weapons, so can be a great way to get ready for PvP quickly. Alternatively, you can use a grindstone to remove the enchantments, purchase experience bottles from /shop and head to the enchanting station at /spawn, where you can quickly use some powerful level 30 enchantments. I would also recommend the purchasing of PVP essentials like Totems of Undying, Golden Apples and Ender Pearls. */ah is a player run market place, where you and other players can sell items you find or create to each other. Simply type /ah to browse, or to sell an item you are holding type /ah sell <price>.

6) PvP
PvP is the main purpose of the lifesteal gamemode, and is played according to the 1.9 PvP update. Once you are sufficently geared, head to the PvP areas around spawn and try and takedown other players for their hearts. Every few hours, there is a /koth event, (King-Of-The-Hill) where whichever player can stay on the "hill" for longest wins some loot. Don't be afraid to back down from fights you can't take, but always make sure to report rulebreakers or glitch abusers who are ruining the PvP experience for others. If you kill a player, there is a chance for their head to drop as an item you can pick up. While holding in your hand, and within an hour of obtaining it, you can type /sellhead to recieve 10% of there balance.

7) Creating or Joining a Team
If you find a group of player you enjoy playing with, and you want to be able to fight together in PvP, co-op in certain events, or have a cool chat prefix together: /team is for you! You can type /team create <team-name> to create a team, and /team invite <user> to invite your friends. Players can join a team with the command /team join <team-name>, provided they were invited. You can view the full list of team commands here.

8) General Tips
This is mainly a resource to provide you with some stepping stone to start exploring for yourself. Type /zookeeper on Fridays, to obtain some cool handheld "Pets" which provide buffs. You can view all the available Pets with /pets.

Check out /skill. The alchemy skill unlocked at alchemy level "1" is particually important. It makes all potions that you apply redstone to, for an extended effect duration, also have their amplifier (potion level or effectiveness) increased. This way you can get 8 minute long level 2 potions. Note: When brewed into lingering potions and then turned into arrows, the effects applied when the arrow hits its mark are the same duration as the original potion. So this is a great way to get more uses out of a single potion (turned lingering).

The server also has a custom pot plugin, which you can view the crafting recipies for at /pots. Some of these are very overpowered.

Helpful Commands
/pay <user> <amount> | Transfers the designated amount of your money to another player.
/gift <user> | Allows you to instantly send items to another player.
/gift | Allows you to instally recive items from another player.
/tpa <user> | Sends a request to another player, asking to teleport to THEM.
/tpahere <user> | Sends a request to another player, asking them to teleport to YOU.
/tpaccept <user> | Accepts the tp request sent by another player; either them coming to you or vice versa. Note: If YOU are teleporting, you must keep still for the entire countdown, otherwise it will cancel.
/msg <user> <message> | Sends a private message to another player.
/r <message> | Sends a message to the last player whom you messaged.
/pv | Access your personal vault (enderchest).
/chatgames | Views upcoming chat games, and allows you to purchase item you with the points you get from winning them.
/koth | Displays the timings of the koth events, as well as allowing you to teleport directly to them.
/ah | Views the auction house.
/ah <sell> | Places the item you are holding onto the auction house for the specified price.
/level | View your current level progress, and claim rewards.
/sellhead | Sells the currently held player head, for 10% of that player's balance.
/playtimereward | Allows you to claim rewards based on how long you have been playing on the server. Afk time is counted towards this.
/warp afk | Sends you to a water pool at /spawn, where as long as you are in, you wont be kicked for inactivity and will recive a cheap lootbox every half hour.

Remember, all normal Jartex Network rules apply. This is also a regular survival gamemode, so all vanilla farms and methods are still possible. This guide simply covers what is different from normal Minecraft.

If you ever need any help or advice on Lifesteal, or just want to chat and I'm online in-game, feel free to send me a message with /msg Scuffleshadow, or post a reply to this post.

Best of luck,

Everything seems pretty good, well researched, and easy to understand. I'm sure it will help newbies who want to start playing Ls.


October 21, 2023
This guide is amazing, tells all about the basics of Life Steal. I wish I had this when I started! +1
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August 6, 2023
Thanks even I dint know these things when I started and some of them are even helpful for me now. +100


April 21, 2023
IT helped me a lot and hopefully others also got helped by it


June 19, 2022
Nice guide but the only thing I don't like about ls of jartex is that it can p2w with crates and ranks like without even paying i got like 20 or some dia blocks in vote keys.
