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Denied Prison Rewriting Prison


January 3, 2021
Minecraft Username:

What is the suggestion about?
Rewriting Prison

Hello Jartex community, as the Prison season nears its end due to the recent final payout, here are the suggestions I have for next season:

1. The act of sharing accounts should not be allowed (mainly for Prison) because it creates unfairness and manipulation within the community. Not everyone can trust others access to their accounts. Furthermore, if sharing accounts will still be allowed in following seasons, there is an opportunity for manipulation. For instance, a player can offer another player some type of reward, whether it's a portion of the money (essentially a bribe) from the rewards (assuming they win G top, blockstop, etc), in return for helping them mine blocks, etc. Personally, I believe that this creates inconvenience and inequality in the Jartex community.

2. Treasure Crates, which are obtained from Gkit Treasure, should be improved. I am fully aware that the server has nerfed the Gkit several times (as mentioned to me by several players) in the past several seasons. Truthfully, looking at the price of Gkit Treasure, the current rewards do not really seem worth the value. *This statement is not intended to discourage any players from purchasing but it is solely what I think*. I strongly believe that the crates should be revamped and potentially add better items to it (possibly with a lower rarity). For example, Gkit Scrolls should be removed because there is a lack of significance of the items. Rather, other gkits such as PvPing, Santa (maybe), Kits, etc. should be included.

3. Speaking of crates, there should be a quicker method in opening the Treasure Crates, Token Bowls, etc., because it doesn't allow players to press "Esc" to automatically "roll" the items. Contrarily, the "Esc" button works for the regular crates at /warp crates. This is to create convenience for players if they are opening many crates in a period of time.

4. There should be a system in which a certain amount of seasonal ranks can be traded in (possibly with a fee of some tokens or money) for a permanent rank. *This is a completely random example: 1 million tokens + 16 Thug Ranks can be traded into 1 permanent Thug Rank*. The purpose of this is to allow players, who do not have money to spend on Jartex store, a chance at a permanent rank. This system should also be allowed for Gkits.

5. As next season is getting closer, I think the "feel" or environment of Prison should be altered. Honestly, most players have been consistently playing Jartex Prisons for the past several seasons and things feel very repetitive. I would like to suggest that the currency system change. Specifically, rather than dealing with enormous amounts of money such as trillions, quadrillions, quintillions, etc., I think it would bring a different "feel" if the currency was deflated (thousands, millions, billions, etc). Additionally, rather than using the term "gang", the theme should be replaced with terms like "empires", "realm", "province", etc.

6. Speed/haste pickaxes should either be removed or made forbidden in PvP. Recently, there have been many hackers and their usage of speed picks makes it very difficult to detect blatant speed hacks, or any other type of hacks. Rather than giving average players an advantage via the speed pickaxes, it provides hackers greater benefits. If speed is something that is maintained on Prison, I would suggest adding beacons or developing some method in which it allows speed/haste in mines but not in PvP. However, I would suggest removing it altogether because it may stimulate pickaxe glitching.

7. This may sound contradictory to Suggestion #6, but I promise it isn't. In order to achieve a different atmosphere for future Prisons, I would suggest adding special enchantments to swords and armor like in SBD and Factions. These special enchantments should be made available via Treasure Crates or upper class crates (rare, ultra, god, miner).

8. Another addition to Suggestion #5. The armor and sword enchantments should be "deflated" or nerfed because it is quite insane to think of "Sharpness 30, 50, 60, etc". It should be lower and easier to comprehend the differences in the enchantments of the armor/weapon.

9. Another addition to Suggestion #4. I'd like to suggest a system where armor can be "merged" or "compacted" into stronger armor. For instance, several thug armor can be turned into criminal and so forth. By doing so, this'll skew the attention toward lower kits rather than the stronger ones. Moreover, this can narrow the "strong people gap" and allow lower ranks to achieve better armor or weapon without having to purchase it from higher ranked people.

10. Higher ranked players should be allowed to redeem the kits of lower ranks. I do not understand why this is not the case. For instance, GodFathers should not be constrained to Godfather kits. They should gain access to lower kits such as Thug, Criminal, etc.

11. During /invsee, ranked players with access to this command should be able to view the armor of other players. Currently, players with this command can only see whatever is in the inventory but not what armor other players are wearing. By adding this command, this will allow some players to gain some knowledge on whether one is hacking or not based on what they're wearing. (This is possible because it's very unlikely for a beginner to suddenly have, lets say, Santa set.) This will not allow people who are hacking conceal what they're wearing.

12. Crystals should be made where it can be withdraw just like tokens and money.

13. I'd like to suggest a sorting system for boosters. For example, boosters should be sort into their type and multiplier. This will make it more convenient to select boosters.

How can this idea help to improve JartexNetwork?
As implied by the title of my suggestions, this is to ensure the safety and equality of players on Jartex. Furthermore, it is to create a different and better atmosphere for Prison players.

Extra Information:
I was informed by staff via the Jartex discord assistance chat to write all my suggestions in one posts since it's for the same game mode.
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August 11, 2020
I have decided To change my Vote

Reason 1 : If they were to Nerf Gkit Pvping Again it would be worse then Kit God Father and if they do remove speed From mining it would make people who are going for Gtop really mad and make it like 100 times harder

Reason 2 : If they do add Custom enchants like Sbd / Factions it would be worse pvping right now its Easy and simple to Pvp and if they were to make it like Other Gamemode it will make a lot of people mad

Reason 3 : If Gkit's were to be perma a lot of people would have it forever and the server wouldn't make anymore money and that goes Same for the Ranks If it Stays till Criminal i think that would be fine but other higher then that is just making the server poor and they won't be able to give payouts to the people from Gtop and they would Most likely nerf the rewards if they don't make good money from people buying crates / Ranks / and Gkits.

Kind Regards ~
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May 19, 2020
I have decided To change my Vote

Reason 1 : If they were to Nerf Gkit Pvping Again it would be worse then Kit God Father

Reason 2 : If they do add Custom enchants like Sbd / Factions it would be worse pvping right now its Easy and simple to Pvp and if they were to make it like Other Gamemode it will make a lot of people mad

Reason 3 : If Gkit's were to be perma a lot of people would have it forever and the server wouldn't make anymore money and that goes Same for the Ranks If it Stays till Criminal i think that would be fine but other higher then that is just making the server poor and they won't be able to give payouts to the people from Gtop and they would Most likely nerf the rewards if they don't make good money from people buying crates / Ranks / and Gkits.

Kind Regards ~
Pvp is quite stable at the moment, but there are often occasions where u can die while having a god apple active while wearing the best armour set (santa/kingpin), other than that not really anything about pvp need to change at the moment. I agree with you


January 3, 2021
I have decided To change my Vote

Reason 1 : If they were to Nerf Gkit Pvping Again it would be worse then Kit God Father and if they do remove speed From mining it would make people who are going for Gtop really mad and make it like 100 times harder

Reason 2 : If they do add Custom enchants like Sbd / Factions it would be worse pvping right now its Easy and simple to Pvp and if they were to make it like Other Gamemode it will make a lot of people mad

Reason 3 : If Gkit's were to be perma a lot of people would have it forever and the server wouldn't make anymore money and that goes Same for the Ranks If it Stays till Criminal i think that would be fine but other higher then that is just making the server poor and they won't be able to give payouts to the people from Gtop and they would Most likely nerf the rewards if they don't make good money from people buying crates / Ranks / and Gkits.

Kind Regards ~
I would like to clarify your arguments:
1. I never stated in my original post that solely Gkit PvPing should be nerfed. You may have misread or misinterpreted. All I am asserting is that the sharpness, protection, unbreaking, etc., enchantments should be scaled down respectively based on the strength of each type of armor/kit. For instance, Gkit PvPing Sword would still remain as the highest sharpness above all other swords.

2. Please note that the special enchantment is based on the server developer's discretion. Whatever they find suitable, they may add it, if logical. All I am suggesting is to create custom enchants so that Prison can have a different "feel". I believe that having new enchants (at least for the first time) would make more players engaged and interested to play and try out. With all due respect, it is unreasonable to say that having custom enchants will "make people mad". I simply don't think this is the case. I find that to be an unsuitable argument. In any case, I appreciate your comments.

3. You make logical sense with this argument, however, you are again misinterpreting what I suggested. I definitely agree that if the server's profits were to decrease, this would impact the payout rewards. However, I never said that the Gkits should be made so that it can be obtained *easily*. Once again, the exchange ratios are completely up to the developer's discretion.




January 3, 2021
Players are not allowed to share accounts during /blocktop for the first 2 weeks of prison if I am correct(if they are going for blocktop that is)
My argument does not solely apply to manipulation of blockstop. Rather, my argument should be generalized for the safety and well-being of each player in the case of manipulation or bribery. A similar comment was also made by TheSkyWarsGods prior.




August 11, 2020
I would like to clarify your arguments:
1. I never stated in my original post that solely Gkit PvPing should be nerfed. You may have misread or misinterpreted. All I am asserting is that the sharpness, protection, unbreaking, etc., enchantments should be scaled down respectively based on the strength of each type of armor/kit. For instance, Gkit PvPing Sword would still remain as the highest sharpness above all other swords.

2. Please note that the special enchantment is based on the server developer's discretion. Whatever they find suitable, they may add it, if logical. All I am suggesting is to create custom enchants so that Prison can have a different "feel". I believe that having new enchants (at least for the first time) would make more players engaged and interested to play and try out. With all due respect, it is unreasonable to say that having custom enchants will "make people mad". I simply don't think this is the case. I find that to be an unsuitable argument. In any case, I appreciate your comments.

3. You make logical sense with this argument, however, you are again misinterpreting what I suggested. I definitely agree that if the server's profits were to decrease, this would impact the payout rewards. However, I never said that the Gkits should be made so that it can be obtained *easily*. Once again, the exchange ratios are completely up to the developer's discretion.


of all Right now it's hard to kill people with sharpness 60 and Santa set which is the best PvPing Stuff on the Server and if it were to get nerfed again it will take forever to kill 1 person but if u do get Crit hit's it will be faster i agree but they were to nerf the PvPing it would be harder and longer to kill.

Yes I know it's up to the dev's all I am saying is its useless it's not needed basic PvP is fine and if they needed to add enchantment's they would have already done it and if people are looking for a different "feel" they should go play Sky Block Or Factions Perhaps Not Prison.

U said u never said that Gkit's Should be made so that it can be obtained easily did i say i they should be? all i am saying is that if they make it Permanent it will be easy to get Gkit's for the people who already ton's of gkit's explain your self u have like at least 20+ Gkit Treasure if they made it Harder to get but made it Permanent People with a lot of Gkit's Will Probably get like 10 or more for the full season I didn't say 1 week i mean till Prison resets again.

Kind Regards ~
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August 11, 2020
My argument does not solely apply to manipulation of blockstop. Rather, my argument should be generalized for the safety and well-being of each player in the case of manipulation or bribery. A similar comment was also made by TheSkyWarsGods prior.


It's like I said if they are scared to Share there account or don't trust anyone don't let them on your account it's pretty simple if u have a friend from Real life or you were Friend's for like years u would trust them I might be wrong here but everyone has done it at some point Possibly You too. and if a Player were to be bribery example, If an gang member was saying "if we win 3rd or 2nd or 1st I'll get u an rank" that doesn't count as bribery U worked for that by mining on the server. I don't understand why you would just Make it an Punishment Just for Letting your friend on your account your argument doesn't make any sense and if it did happen before Gunfire would already have made a rule for Sharing account's don't you think?
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December 5, 2020
Players are not allowed to share accounts during /blocktop for the first 2 weeks of prison if I am correct(if they are going for blocktop that is)
but why you told me its ok lets share ur account to win g top ! wallah u best omg pls no crii
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  • Shocking
Reactions: Yuu


January 3, 2021
It's like I said if they are scared to Share there account or don't trust anyone don't let them on your account it's pretty simple if u have a friend from Real life or you were Friend's for like years u would trust them I might be wrong here but everyone has done it at some point Possibly You too. and if a Player were to be bribery example, If an gang member was saying "if we win 3rd or 2nd or 1st I'll get u an rank" that doesn't count as bribery U worked for that by mining on the server. I don't understand why you would just Make it an Punishment Just for Letting your friend on your account your argument doesn't make any sense and if it did happen before Gunfire would already have made a rule for Sharing account's don't you think?
Please note that these are suggestions. Truthfully, there are pros and cons to sharing accounts. I do give you credit for some of your logical arguments. To answer your question, I am only suggesting this to stimulate thought and share new perspectives that server developers may or may not have thought of before.




January 3, 2021
of all Right now it's hard to kill people with sharpness 60 and Santa set which is the best PvPing Stuff on the Server and if it were to get nerfed again it will take forever to kill 1 person but if u do get Crit hit's it will be faster i agree but they were to nerf the PvPing it would be harder and longer to kill.

Yes I know it's up to the dev's all I am saying is its useless it's not needed basic PvP is fine and if they needed to add enchantment's they would have already done it and if people are looking for a different "feel" they should go play Sky Block Or Factions Perhaps Not Prison.

U said u never said that Gkit's Should be made so that it can be obtained easily did i say i they should be? all i am saying is that if they make it Permanent it will be easy to get Gkit's for the people who already ton's of gkit's explain your self u have like at least 20+ Gkit Treasure if they made it Harder to get but made it Permanent People with a lot of Gkit's Will Probably get like 10 or more for the full season I didn't say 1 week i mean till Prison resets again.

Kind Regards ~
Here are my counterarguments:

1. To clarify my point, I would like all armors to be "deflated" respectively to one another. I assume my usage of the word "nerf" may have stimulated some misinterpretations. I have no intentions in making PvP "harder to kill players". All I'm suggesting is to make it easier to comprehend the different sharpness/protections/etc. Though I foresee another counterargument, here's my rebuttal: the imagery of Sharpness 5, 8, 10 (random numbers) are much easier to comprehend the strength of swords in my opinion.

2. True, but this only applies to Prison. As you should know, each game mode has its own purpose. PvP is only a part of Prison. Therefore, I believe that the PvP setting should be altered to make Prison more interesting because I've noticed a lack of interest in Prison recently (even prior to payout). Please note that the mining aspect and other farming aspect is still present, unless altered in next season.

3. Like I said in my previous replies, I am only suggesting these ideas. It just doesn't seem logical to be why seasonal items can't be altered to permanent items. However, I do acknowledge it from an economic standpoint. Please also note that I have also suggested some sort of fee as well. That was included in my original post.




August 11, 2020
Here are my counterarguments:

1. To clarify my point, I would like all armors to be "deflated" respectively to one another. I assume my usage of the word "nerf" may have stimulated some misinterpretations. I have no intentions in making PvP "harder to kill players". All I'm suggesting is to make it easier to comprehend the different sharpness/protections/etc. Though I foresee another counterargument, here's my rebuttal: the imagery of Sharpness 5, 8, 10 (random numbers) are much easier to comprehend the strength of swords in my opinion.

2. True, but this only applies to Prison. As you should know, each game mode has its own purpose. PvP is only a part of Prison. Therefore, I believe that the PvP setting should be altered to make Prison more interesting because I've noticed a lack of interest in Prison recently (even prior to payout). Please note that the mining aspect and other farming aspect is still present, unless altered in next season.

3. Like I said in my previous replies, I am only suggesting these ideas. It just doesn't seem logical to be why seasonal items can't be altered to permanent items. However, I do acknowledge it from an economic standpoint. Please also note that I have also suggested some sort of fee as well. That was included in my original post.


It's like i told u it's already hard to kill people if the Armor and swords were to be "deflated" it would become be hard to kill people look even if protections/ Sharpness were to be like Sharp 6 / 8 / 10 then Protection 10 / 15 / 20 All I'm saying here is if it does get "deflated' it will take longer to kill people the only reason u can kill people right now is because it is balanced right now
