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Accepted Prison Several Prison Suggestions Part 4


Addicted Member
January 2, 2020
Minecraft Username:

What is your suggestion's title?
Several Prison Suggestions Part 4​

Suggestion Details:
1. Permanent Thug->Blackhat: At the moment, we can only earn the permanent versions of Lunatic, Murderer, and Godfather which are only found in the God crate, Seasonal crate, and Seasonal loot boxes. While I do understand why we have seasonal versions of the above ranks, it doesn't make sense to only have the permanent versions of the top three ranks to be accessible while the lower three are only available on /buy. The thing is nobody buys them because they aren't very good, and some people that earn those ranks in game are usually happy at first but are sad when they realize that their rank will only be permanent. Add the permanent versions of Thug, Criminal, and Blackhat to the crates but only one of each at the end of three different crates: permanent Thug can be found at the end of the Vote crate, permanent Criminal at the end of the Rare crate, and permanent Blackhat at the end of the Ultra crate.​
2. Pickaxe Orbs Cooldown: These new pickaxe orbs are cool and all, but the abilities are a bit short lived. The cooldown for these abilities are too long for how much impact they actually have while mining, the Tornado orb does break some blocks but the cooldown is 5 minutes when it breaks about as many blocks as the Frag bomb. Lower the cooldown for the Tornado ability.​
3. Crate Reroll: We all like the thought of rerolling a crate reward we don't want, first the Gambler minesuit and then reroll tokens were introduced, but the problem is we don't know how to use the rerolls from either of these. The reroll mechanic was not elaborated on so we don't know how to reroll the rewards we get. When we have the minesuit equipped or we use a reroll token, make it so when the crate stops and gives us a reward, it stops on that reward and prompts us to reroll or exit by either clicking a green pane or red pane, that way it makes it clear that we are getting the option to use our reroll tokens and that the Gambler minesuit works.​
4. Hitman and DrugLord Perks: The Hitman set has been around for so long, but bows have been banned a couple seasons ago. At the moment, Hitman is mostly useless except for just being extra armor that is slightly better than the Blackhat kit. Change the Hitman set's perk to be something that we can use since bows aren't allowed anymore, such as it provides a 7% chance to dodge damage or has a 5% chance of stunning an opponent when hitting them with a pickaxe. The Druglord set from the Druglord Gkit is next to useless as we already have the moonstone set which gives us 25% extra drug drops while the Druglord set gives 10%. A better perk for the Druglord set would be to give 20% more money from selling drugs to the Drug Dealer, because as well as that adds a new perk to the table, I also feel that the extra drug drops perk is overused at this point, we have 4 sources that have that same ability(Drug Lord enchant, Drug Lord pet, Moonstone set, Drug skill).​
5. Unique Pets: Pets are nice to have with you while mining, pvping, and farming. I do like that this season has started with making unique pets with different themes to them instead of being just generic token, money, PvP pets, instead they are based off different creatures/themes. How about to add more diversity to them, add more pets and assign them to a specific rarity. Like say for PvP pets: a Cactus pet for common, a Gladiator pet for rare, and a Warden pet for Legendary. Get what I mean? So that we don't have the exact same kind of pet for every rarity, instead we get a unique pet for each class, and they could come in many varieties of pet choices too.​
Common: Slime, Zombie, Cow​
Rare: Tarantula, Piglin, Bandit​
Legendary: Goomba, Snow Golem, Pacman​
Common: Monkey, Skeleton, Miner​
Rare: Villager, Diamond Ore, Squid​
Legendary: Clown, Enderman, Allay​
Common: Pig, Farmer, Rabbit​
Rare: Sun Flower(Plants vs Zombies), Druglord, Witch​
Legendary: Moobloom, Piranha Plant, Angel​
Common: Cactus, Creeper, Vindicator​
Rare: Gladiator, Link, Wither Skeleton​
Legendary: Warden, Iron Golem, Ninja​
6. Gladiator Pet Advanced Reflexes: This ability does the same thing as the Durable Warrior ability which deflects damage, that doesn't make much sense for the context this of ability and it's weird to have two of the exact same ability on one pet. Change it so the pet gives the owner a 5% to dodge damage which nullifies damage on activation.​
7. Charmed for Key Backpack: Charmed at the moment isn't praised very much for how little it helps those who already fill up their backpacks fast. Change the mechanic of Charmed on mining backpacks to have a chance to overfill the backpack it's applied to so that we actually get more money than what our backpacks would normally make without Charmed applied(overfill limit increases every 50 levels). Then for the Key backpack, make it so Charmed has a chance to add keys to the backpack passively while mining, whether it increases the chances of finding keys while mining or it increases how many keys we find in 1 instance.​
8. Cursed Special Set: The Cursed set is a new addition among the special kits in Prison, it's exclusive to the Soul shop as another item to spend soul gems on. Thing is the price for it was a mistake that should've been considered more based on how difficult it is to earn that many soul gems and how often that item will be bought, lower the price of the set to about 3000 soul gems, slightly more than the ultimate gem box, also add the legendary gem box but lower the price from 7500 to 4000 gems. Then as for the Cursed set, since it's really expensive to buy, it needs to last longer to make it worth its price, increase the unbreaking from 12 to 30 to make it more worth buying, because right now it breaks too easily and millions of tokens go to waste in gathering the soul gems. Also, I realized that the negative effects that I suggested that the cursed set gives wouldn't be enough to balance it out, so as well as keeping the slowness II effect, make it so it also gives hunger II while wearing the set instead of preventing you from starving.​
9. Soul Mob Diversity: The Soul Cave is really lacking in the PvE department, the problem is that the soul zombies are too boring since they don't hurt us, and they were only made more annoying, more unbalanced, and not fun to fight, giving them 800 health instead of 200 was a bad idea. The Soul Cave needs to have more mobs roaming around to increase the tension and make it more fun to fight in the cave. As well as incentive to kill them besides just the adventurer skill because not everybody cares about leveling up that skill, besides the level 20 perk is useless because everybody has efficiency pickaxes that break the ores instantly(I would suggest looking back at my 2nd suggestion page that was accepted, it talks about changing the adventurer skill ability). The mobs will drop crystals, the stronger mobs drop more crystals.​
Soul Imp: Baby Zombie, 100 health, weakest mob, 50% spawn rate, drops 1-2 crystals, 2 adventurer experience​
Soul Dreg: Zombie, 150 health, second weakest mob, 20% spawn rate, drops 1-4 crystals, 5 adventurer experience​
Spectral Caerbannog: Killer Bunny, 250 health, middle strength mob, 15% spawn rate, drops 2-6 crystals, 10 adventurer experience​
Tormented Spirit: Zombie Pigman, 500 health, neutral strong mob, 8% spawn rate, drops 3-8 crystals, 15 adventurer experience​
Demon: Guardian, 400 health, elite mob, 5% spawn rate, drops 4-10 crystals, 20 adventurer experience​
Anima Guard: Wither Skeleton, 800 health, strongest mob, 2% spawn rate, drops 20 crystals, 50 adventurer experience​
10. New Drugs: We could always add more drugs to increase the variety and number of options with the kinds of drugs we want to farm and sell to the drug dealer. These won't change anything but add more variety. (btw I would change the quinine sapling to be birch instead of grass because of how flowery it looks and change weed to be large ferns at the bottom and a small fern on top to look more wild).​
Tobacco: seeds cost 10 tokens and prestige 1 to sell (sapling block is dark oak sapling and grows a tobacco skin head at full growth)​
Needed amount: 10​
Batch Weight: 10​
Daily Limit: 2000​
Can sell 200 times​
Salvia: seeds cost 10 tokens and no prestige to sell (sapling block is Lilac and grows an Blue Orchid on top at full growth)​
Needed amount: 5​
Batch Weight: 5​
Daily Limit: 350​
Can sell 70 times​
Peyote: seeds cost 5 tokens and no prestige to sell (sapling block is cactus or cactus head and grows into a tall cactus at full growth)​
Needed amount: 10​
Batch Weight: 10​
Daily Limit: 1000​
Can sell 100 times​

How could this idea help improve JartexNetwork?
1. People who actually like the rank or are happy to get it won't be heart-broken with only seasonal versions of these ranks, and it doesn't make much sense to only have a permanent version of the top 3.​
2. To make these abilities more enjoyable without having to wait too long for them.​
3. To make crate rerolling easier to activate.​
4. To repurpose the Hitman set and rework the Druglord set to have a more useful and unique perk.​
5. To expand upon the unique pet system that is going right now and so we don't all have the exact same pet.​
6. This gives the Legendary Gladiator Pet perk a unique ability that matches the name.​
7. This makes the Charmed enchantment more useful for people with maxed capacity backpacks and maxed pickaxes, and it allows for the enchantment to be applicable to Key Backpacks too.​
8. On top of fixing the set's perks, these changes will make the set more accessible and more worth buying.​
9. This will make the Soul Cave more interesting, have more challenge, and add more incentive to fighting the mobs.​
10. To provide more options for drug farming if people want to farm something other than what we have now.​

Extra Information:
I may have reiterated the Hitman set rework even though it was stated in a suggestion that has been partially accepted. I'm not sure if I am allowed to do that, if I can't then let me know and I'll remove it.​
(for Rodagave) If this is partially accepted, maybe you could explain why some of the things I list aren't added or if the developers are considering adding it in the near future, because I want to get some input on what additions are viable for this gamemode.​
Last edited:


Addicted Member
August 6, 2021
As always a banger suggestion im all in
All of the ideas are really gpod but we just need more soul gem and that it
But regardless +1 for me


July 2, 2020
Minecraft Username:

What is your suggestion's title?
Several Prison Suggestions Part 4​

Suggestion Details:
1. Permanent Thug->Blackhat: At the moment, we can only earn the permanent versions of Lunatic, Murderer, and Godfather which are only found in the God crate, Seasonal crate, and Seasonal loot boxes. While I do understand why we have seasonal versions of the above ranks, it doesn't make sense to only have the permanent versions of the top three ranks to be accessible while the lower three are only available on /buy. The thing is nobody buys them because they aren't very good, and some people that earn those ranks in game are usually happy at first but are sad when they realize that their rank will only be permanent. Add the permanent versions of Thug, Criminal, and Blackhat to the crates but only one of each at the end of three different crates: permanent Thug can be found at the end of the Vote crate, permanent Criminal at the end of the Rare crate, and permanent Blackhat at the end of the Ultra crate.​
2. Pickaxe Orbs Cooldown: These new pickaxe orbs are cool and all, but the abilities are a bit short lived. The cooldown for these abilities are too long for how much impact they actually have while mining, the Tornado orb does break some blocks but the cooldown is 5 minutes when it breaks about as many blocks as the Frag bomb. Lower the cooldown for the Tornado ability.​
3. Crate Reroll: We all like the thought of rerolling a crate reward we don't want, first the Gambler minesuit and then reroll tokens were introduced, but the problem is we don't know how to use the rerolls from either of these. The reroll mechanic was not elaborated on so we don't know how to reroll the rewards we get. When we have the minesuit equipped or we use a reroll token, make it so when the crate stops and gives us a reward, it stops on that reward and prompts us to reroll or exit by either clicking a green pane or red pane, that way it makes it clear that we are getting the option to use our reroll tokens and that the Gambler minesuit works.​
4. Hitman and DrugLord Perks: The Hitman set has been around for so long, but bows have been banned a couple seasons ago. At the moment, Hitman is mostly useless except for just being extra armor that is slightly better than the Blackhat kit. Change the Hitman set's perk to be something that we can use since bows aren't allowed anymore, such as it provides a 7% chance to dodge damage or has a 5% chance of stunning an opponent when hitting them with a pickaxe. The Druglord set from the Druglord Gkit is next to useless as we already have the moonstone set which gives us 25% extra drug drops while the Druglord set gives 10%. A better perk for the Druglord set would be to give 20% more money from selling drugs to the Drug Dealer, because as well as that adds a new perk to the table, I also feel that the extra drug drops perk is overused at this point, we have 4 sources that have that same ability(Drug Lord enchant, Drug Lord pet, Moonstone set, Drug skill).​
5. Unique Pets: Pets are nice to have with you while mining, pvping, and farming. I do like that this season has started with making unique pets with different themes to them instead of being just generic token, money, PvP pets, instead they are based off different creatures/themes. How about to add more diversity to them, add more pets and assign them to a specific rarity. Like say for PvP pets: a Cactus pet for common, a Gladiator pet for rare, and a Warden pet for Legendary. Get what I mean? So that we don't have the exact same kind of pet for every rarity, instead we get a unique pet for each class, and they could come in many varieties of pet choices too.​
Common: Slime, Zombie, Cow​
Rare: Tarantula, Piglin, Bandit​
Legendary: Goomba, Snow Golem, Pacman​
Common: Monkey, Skeleton, Miner​
Rare: Villager, Diamond Ore, Squid​
Legendary: Clown, Enderman, Allay​
Common: Pig, Farmer, Rabbit​
Rare: Sun Flower(Plants vs Zombies), Druglord, Witch​
Legendary: Moobloom, Piranha Plant, Angel​
Common: Cactus, Creeper, Vindicator​
Rare: Gladiator, Link, Wither Skeleton​
Legendary: Warden, Iron Golem, Ninja​
6. Gladiator Pet Advanced Reflexes: This ability does the same thing as the Durable Warrior ability which deflects damage, that doesn't make much sense for the context this of ability and it's weird to have two of the exact same ability on one pet. Change it so the pet gives the owner a 5% to dodge damage which nullifies damage on activation.​
7. Charmed for Key Backpack: Charmed at the moment isn't praised very much for how little it helps those who already fill up their backpacks fast. Change the mechanic of Charmed on mining backpacks to have a chance to overfill the backpack it's applied to so that we actually get more money than what our backpacks would normally make without Charmed applied(overfill limit increases every 50 levels). Then for the Key backpack, make it so Charmed has a chance to add keys to the backpack passively while mining, whether it increases the chances of finding keys while mining or it increases how many keys we find in 1 instance.​
8. Cursed Special Set: The Cursed set is a new addition among the special kits in Prison, it's exclusive to the Soul shop as another item to spend soul gems on. Thing is the price for it was a mistake that should've been considered more based on how difficult it is to earn that many soul gems and how often that item will be bought, lower the price of the set to about 3000 soul gems, slightly more than the ultimate gem box, also add the legendary gem box but lower the price from 7500 to 4000 gems. Then as for the Cursed set, since it's really expensive to buy, it needs to last longer to make it worth its price, increase the unbreaking from 12 to 30 to make it more worth buying, because right now it breaks too easily and millions of tokens go to waste in gathering the soul gems.​
9. Soul Mob Diversity: The Soul Cave is really lacking in the PvE department, the problem is that the soul zombies are too boring since they don't hurt us, and they were only made more annoying, more unbalanced, and not fun to fight, giving them 800 health instead of 200 was a bad idea. The Soul Cave needs to have more mobs roaming around to increase the tension and make it more fun to fight in the cave. As well as incentive to kill them besides just the adventurer skill because not everybody cares about leveling up that skill, besides the level 20 perk is useless because everybody has efficiency pickaxes that break the ores instantly(I would suggest looking back at my 2nd suggestion page that was accepted, it talks about changing the adventurer skill ability). The mobs will drop crystals, the stronger mobs drop more crystals.​
Soul Imp: Baby Zombie, 100 health, weakest mob, 50% spawn rate, drops 1-2 crystals, 2 adventurer experience​
Soul Dreg: Zombie, 150 health, second weakest mob, 20% spawn rate, drops 1-4 crystals, 5 adventurer experience​
Spectral Caerbannog: Killer Bunny, 200 health, middle strength mob, 15% spawn rate, drops 2-6 crystals, 10 adventurer experience​
Corrupted Spirit: Zombie Pigman, 300 health, neutral strong mob, 8% spawn rate, drops 3-8 crystals, 15 adventurer experience​
Demon: Guardian, 250 health, elite mob, 5% spawn rate, drops 4-10 crystals, 20 adventurer experience​
Anima Guard: Wither Skeleton, 500 health, strongest mob, 2% spawn rate, drops 20 crystals, 50 adventurer experience​
10. New Drugs: We could always add more drugs to increase the variety and number of options with the kinds of drugs we want to farm and sell to the drug dealer. These won't change anything but add more variety. (btw I would change the quinine sapling to be birch instead of grass because of how flowery it looks and change weed to be large ferns at the bottom and a small fern on top to look more wild).​
Tobacco: seeds cost 10 tokens and prestige 1 to sell (sapling block is dark oak sapling and grows a tobacco skin head at full growth)​
Needed amount: 10​
Batch Weight: 10​
Daily Limit: 2000​
Can sell 200 times​
Salvia: seeds cost 10 tokens and no prestige to sell (sapling block is Lilac and grows an Blue Orchid on top at full growth)​
Needed amount: 5​
Batch Weight: 5​
Daily Limit: 350​
Can sell 70 times​
Peyote: seeds cost 5 tokens and no prestige to sell (sapling block is cactus or cactus head and grows into a tall cactus at full growth)​
Needed amount: 10​
Batch Weight: 10​
Daily Limit: 1000​
Can sell 100 times​

How could this idea help improve JartexNetwork?
1. People who actually like the rank or are happy to get it won't be heart-broken with only seasonal versions of these ranks, and it doesn't make much sense to only have a permanent version of the top 3.​
2. To make these abilities more enjoyable without having to wait too long for them.​
3. To make crate rerolling easier to activate.​
4. To repurpose the Hitman set and rework the Druglord set to have a more useful and unique perk.​
5. To expand upon the unique pet system that is going right now and so we don't all have the exact same pet.​
6. This gives the Legendary Gladiator Pet perk a unique ability that matches the name.​
7. This makes the Charmed enchantment more useful for people with maxed capacity backpacks and maxed pickaxes, and it allows for the enchantment to be applicable to Key Backpacks too.​
8. On top of fixing the set's perks, these changes will make the set more accessible and more worth buying.​
9. This will make the Soul Cave more interesting, have more challenge, and add more incentive to fighting the mobs.​
10. To provide more options for drug farming if people want to farm something other than what we have now.​

Extra Information:
I may have reiterated the Hitman set rework even though it was stated in a suggestion that has been partially accepted. I'm not sure if I am allowed to do that, if I can't then let me know and I'll remove it.​
(for Rodagave) If this is partially accepted, maybe you could explain why some of the things I list aren't added or if the developers are considering adding it in the near future, because I want to get some input on what additions are viable for this gamemode.​
+1 Tbh i like this suggestiong especially they broke the game by ssnal ranks i hope they remove it but it wont happen and gl (pinkiepiegirl516)


May 4, 2020
+1 for this suggestion, actually the players of Jartex prison-gamemode will be happy to hear if this suggestion will be approve. At least add some permanent ranks to ultra crate like permanent thug, criminal and blackhat. Thanks for this amazing suggestion SuperMariobrine SuperMariobrine and I hope it will be accepted.


March 4, 2021
Hello SuperMariobrine,

After reading your Suggestion, I decided to give it a

As always SuperMariobrine with his suggestions, all of the suggestions are reasonable and will make for a good and nice season.


April 29, 2022
Seems Reasonable, Prison does need a lot of changes.
The following is some feedback I've provided regarding the changes, and as usual I approve of them all.

1. Permanent Ranks
These are viable Yeah, though chances should be quite low (that of a lunatic from god crate or lower), and yes these are needed, it's fair for the new players who can't get their hands on higher ranks.

Orb Cooldowns
Right now they're not so useful & well, reducing their cooldown might make it worth actually applying the orbs & making use of them

Crate Reroll
Couldn't agree more to this, needs to be present.

4. H/D - Set Rework
Dodging sounds fun, especially in PvP & would finally add some worth to this, Oh & profiting more off of drugs would also be nice as they do provide somewhat decent outcome i suppose? especially on higher prestiges so the extra $$ would be a slight motivator to sell drugs more often

5. Pet Skins
Seems boring to look at the same pets in prisons all day long, this way it makes them look uniqe when others have the pets & easier to tell what rarity they which is a slightly cheeky but good feature.

6. Gladiator Pet Perk Fix
Dodging again sounds fun, though it shouldn't scale with the level as that would be quite broken & even if it did it should only be a slight difference as we can all see how broken the pet initially is. (agreed on perk being fixed)

Charmed Changes
Overfilling backpacks? Sounds dope & would make the enchantments atleast worth the cost since it costs around 17m Tokens per/backpack
For key backpacks i think they need an overall enhancement on how often we get (low tier) keys & on top of that charmed would work on increasing the amount that's obtained

Cursed Special Set
The unbreaking is absolutely horrific on the set, it does need some more protection to it (maybe around 20-30?), & Yes for it's cost it's most definitely not worth so that has to be reduced drastically especially due to the (6 hearts that were advertised) not being available.

More Soul Mobs!
Yes Yes Yes, adds some more variety to the soul cave, it's not just the same mob roaming around doing nothing but being annoying, though imo different mobs should have different damage rates / hp / abilities.

Drugs (New)
More Drugs? Yeah we've been stuck at the same few for many seasons now so a chance in that would be significant, though i hope vitality (5% Per drug completely sold) still applies to this, would be nice to get vitality quicker.

in Conclusion, everything seems reasonable & some things are a must.
Provided my feedback above, as always great suggestions Mario.


Great Reporter
January 3, 2021
+1 lazy to read all but i agree with the rank thingy


Staff member
January 28, 2019
A very well formatted and detailed suggestion. Thank you!


November 27, 2020
I don't know how you don't get tired writing all of this, brilliant idea as always. +1
