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SkyBlock Fantasy Guide (2020 Version)

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January 29, 2020
Hello there my fellow SkyBlock Fantasy mates!

As you all may or may not know, there already is an existing SkyBlock Fantasy guide made by Monstererza, but some parts of it are quite outdated following the past and recent updates, and other changes made to the game mode itself. Therefore, I would like to add-on and give a more up-to-date version guide on how new players can have a fun experience while playing on SkyBlock Fantasy. Without further ado let's get into the guide!

What is SkyBlock Fantasy?
SkyBlock Fantasy is basically a vanilla survival-based game mode where players live on a floating island. At first, players are given a limited amount of resources to work with, but as they progress, they will eventually get access to more OP items, and other necessary items required for SkyBlock. Players can also acquire spawners and progress through different types of mobs via a progression system, as well as interact with other fellow players via trades, PvP combat and more!

Starting Out :
Once you join SkyBlock Fantasy, you will find yourself in the main lobby of SkyBlock Fantasy, or in other words /spawn. Your first priority is to create an island, or as I call it, a home. To do so, all you need to do is just type /is , and a GUI will pop up, showing a number of different islands you can choose from. I would recommend the House or Tower based island, as they offer the most resources, but the decision is completely up to you. You can also check out the command /kit to claim starter kits and get an early boost.

Now that you have an island up, you can start off the basic ropes of Minecraft, chopping down wood and making a Crafting Table. You should also make an infinite water source, as well as getting a Cobblestone Generator started. The Cobblestone Generator is mainly a beginner's source of blocks, used for early-game island expansion.

This screenshot shows how you make an Infinite water source, break the ice and you have your water source!

This screenshot shows how to construct a Cobblestone Generator by putting lava and water together following this format.

Earning The Dollars :
Once you have your island expanded, it's time to earn some money. What makes SkyBlock Fantasy different is you can't just sell mass-stacks of cobblestone and hope to earn money. Nope, that's not how SkyBlock Fantasy works. There are, however, plenty of other ways to earn money. You can sell mobheads (acquired from killing mobs) and crate keys (through voting or vote parties) primarily, as those are the best source of income for beginners. As you progress further in the game, you get access to higher leveled spawners, which allows you to build auto-farms for money. We will discuss more on auto-farms later on in this post.

First Spawner??? :
Once you raked in enough money, you can now afford your very first spawner, which is the Pig Spawner. Now, you can start grinding the pigs that spawn from the spawner, gain its' drops and heads and rankup.

To acquire a spawner, simply type /shop , a GUI will pop up and you can select the "Spawners" section. Here you can find a variety of spawners ranging from Pig all the way to Ghast. However, you are required to rankup your spawner tier in order to unlock the subsequent spawner. To rankup, you would need to have a sufficient amount of heads from mobs. Take for example, you would need 250 pig heads in your head vault, and you can /rankup and unlock the Wolf Spawner.

To redeem heads, you can use Shift+Right Click while holding heads in your hotbar, and it will be deposited into your head vault.

Please take note that you can only buy 100 of each spawner per rankup. Once you've bought 100x of the said spawner, you would have to unlock it again.


IMPORTANT NOTE : Do NOT attempt to mine the spawner if you do not have a Rank or a Silktouch Spawners Voucher redeemed.

Auto Farms :

Once you ranked up far enough, you can start creating auto farms which generates passive income! "What is an auto farm?", you may be asking. An auto farm is basically a killing mechanism made to instantly kill mobs, and farm their drops directly. A schematic of auto farms/grinders can be found in Monstererza's first guide on SkyBlock Fantasy.

Commands and Crates :
After you've made your auto farms and progressed on money making, you can start tapping into commands and crates. What is a command? A command is basically a perk which can improve your gameplay, and make your life a whole lot easier. You can find a list of commands in the following spoiler.

These commands can be won from crates, bought from the Jartex webstore or by trading with players.

Hat Command : Allows you to put an item in your helmet slot for cosmetic purposes.
Workbench Command : Grants you access to /craft or /wb , a portable crafting interface.
Feed Command : Grants you access to /feed , which fully fills your hunger bar. (has a cooldown of 1 minute per use)
Nick Command : Grants you access to /nick , which allows you to change your display name in chat.
Fix Command : Grants you access to /fix hand , which allows you to regenerate the durability of an equipment item while holding it.
Fix All Command : Grants you access to /fix all , which allows you to regenerate the durability of all equipment items in your inventory.

Fly Command : Grants you access to /fly , which allows you to fly around in SkyBlock for faster transportation. (rarest command, seldom sold by players and only obtainable via Ultra Crate Keys and above)

Ranks and Riches :
When you first joined SkyBlock Fantasy and pressed Tab, or just read chat in general, you must have wondered why some players have special tags and a higher spot on Tab. Well, these players are Ranked players, which means they either :

1. Bought a rank from the Jartex webstore
2. Were lucky enough to win a Rank Voucher from opening crates

What do ranks give? As you know, being a default ranked player, you already have access to a number of perks, but not all of them. Ranked players get access to remaining perks which default ranked players do not have access to. This allows them to better advance in the game, with easier methods of playing. Ranked players also get access to certain commands, if not all of them, depending on how high your rank is. To acquire a rank, all you need to do is either be lucky enough to win it from a crate, buy a rank from the Jartex webstore or buy a rank voucher from a player.

*Note : All ranked players get access to /nv (Night Vision toggle), /pv (Access playervaults without having to use an ender chest) and is granted the ability to mine spawners with any pickaxe. Ranked players also get access to more kits in /kit

SkyDonor Rank : Access to the Hat Command and Workbench Command.
SkyVIP Rank : Has SkyDonor Rank perks.
SkyWarrior : Has SkyDonor Rank perks, along with the Nick Command and Feed Command.
SkyChamp : Access to all commands except /fly, access to /invsee (see another player's inventory)
SkyLord : Access to all commands including Fly Command and /invsee.
SkyGod : Has SkyLord Rank perks.

for more info on ranks, check out my other forum post Why SkyGod is the worst rank to buy in SBF :

To add-on even more, you don't exactly need a Rank in order to mine spawners, you can redeem a Silktouch Spawners Voucher and gain the ability to mine spawners with a pickaxe that has the Silk Touch enchantment.

Final Note : This guide may be incomplete and may not be helpful to some players, as some players' opinion on the game and play style may vary. I'm also aware the MCMMO guide was not listed in this guide, I did not put that in as the MCMMO guide from Monstererza's SkyBlock Fantasy Tips post was already complete enough.

I'm looking forward to seeing you in SBF!


March 27, 2020
i like this and also i have a question i hope u answer is the reset close ? And also whene r you guys fixing /ah ?


April 13, 2018
i like this and also i have a question i hope u answer is the reset close ? And also whene r you guys fixing /ah ?
No one knows when the reset going to happen as only the Owners decide when they will reset another server. About /ah you can make a bug report then it will be fixed asap.


December 8, 2017
why are we talking for reset in a fantasy guide lol
cuz you can't apply this guide know i mean you can but useless :/ so if they reset it you can do it and have fun there and SBD SBF Fac dead only prison active
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